the law of diminishing returns termed as: Solved According to the Law of Diminishing Returns, in a production

the law of diminishing returns termed as: Solved According to the Law of Diminishing Returns, in a production

raw materials

Opportunity cost is the value of the forgone alternative — what you gave up when you got something. But if a new scheme is to be introduced, the circumstances change and the conclusions cannot be predicted using this past information. He should express his ideas in simple and understandable language with the minimum use of technical words, while communicating with his management executives. Decision making is crucial for running a business enterprise which faces a large number of problems requiring decisions. B) When MP is rising, TP rises at an increasing rate.

  • In the above illustration in ‘C’ grade land, cost of production is just equal to the price of its produce and therefore does not yield any rent (20 – 20).
  • The entrepreneur coordinates all the other three factors of production.
  • A monopoly market is best known for consumer exploitation.
  • • But after a certain level of output top management becomes eventually overburdened and, hence, less efficient.
  • This concept is applicable only when perfect competition prevails.
  • Describe the shape of the total product function that would accompany it.

Since the fixed cost does not change with the output, the average fixed cost decreases as the output increases. 3) The producer has to determine not only the optimum combination of factors but also the optimum returns to scale. So it becomes a difficult task for him to arrive at a least cost combinations of factors. On the basis of given prices of factors of production and given money outlay we draw a line A, B.

Demand schedule

If the rival firms make larger price cut than the one which initiated it, the firm which first started the price cut will suffer a lot and may finish up with decreased sales. The oligopolists, therefore avoid cutting price, and try to sell their products at the prevailing market price. These firms, however, compete with one another on the basis of quality, product design, after-sales services, advertising, discounts, gifts, warrantees, special offers, etc.

Is law of diminishing returns same as marginal utility?

The law of diminishing marginal utility holds that as we consume more of an item, the amount of satisfaction produced by each additional unit of that good declines. The change in utility gained from utilizing an additional unit of a product is known as marginal utility.

An improvement in technology usually means that fewer and/or less costly inputs are needed. If the cost of production is lower, the profits available at a given price will increase, and producers will produce more. With more produced at every price, the supply curve will shift to the right, meaning an increase in supply and a decrease in prices. For the economy as a whole, an improvement in technology shifts the production possibilities frontier outward.

FAQs on The Law of Diminishing Returns

Buyethe law of diminishing returns termed as and sellers deal with the same commodity or variety. Since the market in economics is identified on the basis of the commodity, similarity of the product is very essential. In order to understand the basic concepts of revenue, it is also important to pay attention to the relationship between TR, AR, and MR. When the first unit is sold, TR, AR, and MR are equal.

There is no ‘Safe Haven’ from Climate Change – Resilience

There is no ‘Safe Haven’ from Climate Change.

Posted: Tue, 06 Sep 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A given quantity of output may be produced with different combinations of factors. Iso-quant curves are also known as Equal-product or Iso-product or Production Indifference curves. Since it is an extension of Indifference curve analysis from the theory of consumption to the theory of production. Hence, the level of output , depends on the quantities of different inputs available to the firm.


They failed to take into account money as a store of value. Because it emphasises only the supply side, ignoring the factors leading to the demand for saving or capital. Thus, Interest can be paid as a reward to abstain from consumption and save resources for capital formation. Perhaps, this is also true for certain backward modern economies. Next, this theory suggests that when productivity of capital is higher, Interest is payable.

Why is the law of diminishing returns a law?

The law of diminishing returns is significant because it is part of the basis for economists' expectations that a firm's short-run marginal cost curves will slope upward as the number of units of output increases.

The term of “Collective Bargaining” was first used in 1891 by Beatrics Webb, a founder of field if industrial relation in Britain. It refers to a sort of collective of negotiation and agreement that has existed. The concept of collective bargaining was introduced very late in India, as trade union were formed only in 1962.

The whole concept is easily explained in the article with general examples to ensure better understandability. On the other hand, the factors which are available in unlimited supply even during the short periods are known as variable factors. In short, marginal product of variable input will first increase, then decrease and finally become negative. The agency’s scale of manufacturing leads to larger average price per unit produced. It has been noticed that when there’s a proportionate change in the quantities of inputs, the behavior of output varies.


Then the market experiments are carried out by changing the prices, advertisement expenditure and all other controllable factors under demand function, other things remaining the same. Once these changes are introduced in the market, the consequent changes in the demand for a product are recorded. On the basis of these recorded estimates, the elasticity coefficients are calculated. These computed coefficients along with the demand function variables are used to assess the future demand for a product. Returns to a factor studies the behavior of output when more and more units of the variable factor is combined with the fixed factor.

It is targeted at the defined customers and against competitors. Pricing is difficult and must reflect supply and demand relationship. Pricing a product too high or too low could mean a loss of sales for the organization. In case there isproduct differentiation, an oligopolistic can raise or lower his price without any fear of losing customers or of immediate reactions from his rivals. However, keen rivalry among them may create condition ofmonopolistic competition.

production possibility

But in, it is much wider than just a place, It is a gamut of all the buyers and sellers, who are spread out to perform the marketing activities. Market generally means a place or a geographical area, where buyers with money and sellers with their goods meet to exchange goods for money. In Economics market refers to a group of buyers and sellers who involve in the transaction of commodities and services. In general, unity elasticity is not found in practice. When price changes in a certain ratio, the sales normally change in a high or low ratio.


Accordingly, returns to scale are also of three types – increasing returns to scale, constant returns to scale and diminishing returns to scale. Law of Variable Proportions or Returns to a Factor Thus it refers to the effect of changing factor-ratio on the output. • In short, the law which exhibits the relationship between the units of a variable factor and the amount of output in the short-run is known as returns to a variable factor. Thus the law of variable proportions is also named as returns to a variable factor.

‘The Crown’ returns after 2 yrs to blur the line between reality & fiction – Economic Times

‘The Crown’ returns after 2 yrs to blur the line between reality & fiction.

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This theory is an attempt to improve upon the classical theory of Interest. According to this theory, the rate of Interest is the price of credit which is determined by the demand and supply for loanable funds. It completely neglects the influence of monetary factors on the determination of the rate of Interest. The classical economists regarded money as a ‘veil’ as a medium of exchange over goods and services.

Since in this stage MPP becomes negative, it is called the stage of negative returns. In the example, stage Ill runs between 7 to 8 units of labour and in the diagram it starts from the point ‘M’ onwards. The expenses incurred in the business activity of supplying goods and services to consumers are defined as cost. In economics, the value of the price of an object or condition is the cost of production which is determined by the total cost of resources employed for producing it.

We take an example of income tax and excise duty and their effects on the demand for a commodity as shown in the Diagram 23. AB is the original budget line where consumer is in equilibrium at point E and purchases OQx of community X. When income tax is levied the budget line shifts below to A1B1 where the consumer is in equilibrium at point E1 and purchases OQx1 of commodity X. If the price of clothes rose and there was no compen­sating rise in income the budget line would have become steeper and forced the consumer to a lower indifference curve. This would reduce his living standards and this is the normal effect of inflation.

Units of variable factor are homogeneous and divisible. The correct answer is option 3, i.e. the marginal product will diminish. In short, the Law of Diminishing Returns is a perfect phenomenon for the maximization of profit. Failing to prove this second-order condition will mean that the person is minimizing the returns, instead of maximizing them. SBS is managed by a non-profit organisation registered as a Trust and charitable society.

Which law of marginal utility is known as?

Law of diminishing marginal utility states that as more and more units of a commodity are consumed, marginal utility derived from every additional unit must decline. It is known as fundamental law of satisfaction or fundamental psychological law.

An Iso-product schedule shows the different combination of these two inputs that yield the same level of output as shown in table 1. As the proportion of one factor in a combination of factors is increased, after a point, first the marginal and then the average product of that factor will diminish. This analysis assumes perfect divisibility of the commodities. So, the continuity of indifference curves is not ensured as assumed by indifference curves analysis, as also large number of very closed placed indifference curves.

MPL dL Where , dQ is change in total product dL is change in quantity of a factor input. In the above diagram, the demand curve is made up of two segments DB and BD’. When the price is Rs. 10 per unit, a firm sells 120 units of output. If a firm decides to charge Rs. 12 per unit, it loses a large part of the market and its sales come down to 40 units with a loss of 80 units.


With the help of above table, we can show production possibility curve in respect of cloth and wheat. Economy can produce maximum 5 million metres of cloth or 15 million quintals of wheat. 1, on OX axis, we have measured cloth in million metres while on OY axis; we have taken wheat in million quintals.

If excise duty is levied in place of income tax then the consumer’s budget line will shift downward to AB2 and the consumer will be in equilibrium at E2 point with the amount of OQX2 of commodity X. Hence the impact of excise duty on the demand for a good is bad than the impact of income tax . In this absence of taxation we can assume that the con­sumer is at a buying OB units of clothes and OC units of other goods. If a tax is imposed on consumer to point b on IC1.

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